• How to buy?

We strive to make the purchasing process for customers as clear and understandable as possible. Below are the steps you need to go through to shop at NAILS OF THE DAY:
The first step is to add the products to your basket. If a product has several sizes, first select the appropriate size from the drop-down list and then click the "ADD TO CART" button. If you want to continue your shopping, select "CONTINUE SHOPPING", while if you want to go to your shopping cart and make a payment click "TO CART" or "ORDER".

Once you have added the products to your basket, you can proceed to complete your order. In the next step you will need to log in if you have an account with us. You can also shop in our shop without registering, for this purpose select "PLACE ORDER".

In the next step you will enter your contact details, address and delivery method. Once you have completed half of it, select "SUMMARY".

In the next window, check again the contents of your basket, your shipping address and billing details, as well as your delivery and payment method. If everything is correct, press "CONFIRM PURCHASE".

In the last step there will be instructions for payment. Depending on the payment method you have chosen for the product, you will be able to go to the online payment service BlueMedia or to another payment service.

Once you have completed the above steps, you should receive an email confirming that your order has been received into our system.